Join Pergola

The Pergola incubator is designed to host open access humanities and social sciences journals in Brittany and the Pays de la Loire regions.

Established or soon-to-be-created journals (both print and digital formats) wishing to switch to open access or improve their visibility are hosted on the incubator.

Prior to starting the application process, we would strongly advise getting in touch with the regional contacts who can provide valuable support. Certain elements, such as the governing bodies or article evaluation methods will be requested in the application. Therefore, it is necessary to present a project that is as complete as possible so that the site can be set up efficiently if the project is accepted.

>> See the Resources page, in particular the Creating a journal factsheet (in French)

Application evaluation process

All journal applications will undergo a scientific and technical project evaluation. Two scientific experts will be selected from among the members of the scientific councils from MSH in Brittany and MSH Ange-Guépin, or among the pool of technical experts who examine submitted calls for tender projects in these MSHs. The technical experts will be selected from the Pôle revues Grand Ouest team of engineers.

Based on the evaluation grids and recommendations from the experts, the two MSH boards will decide whether the journal is accepted on Pergola. Reasoned feedback will be transmitted to the journal.

Monitoring of the editorial project

If the journal receives a positive response, the Pôle revues Grand Ouest team will provide support to journal managers for setting up the site: creation of the website tree structure, information and help with document editing (guidelines, ethics charter, etc.)

>> See Services page: Hosting on Pergola

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